What is botulinum toxin ?

Also known as dangerous-sounding botulinum toxin, botulinum toxin is a substance with a wide range of uses. In medical conditions, it is completely safe and you should not worry about your health. Thanks to its properties, it is possible to smooth out wrinkles and e.g. help in treating migraines.

Botox (more precisely, botulinum toxin) is used to smooth out appearing wrinkles. Usually, small doses are used (about 20-60 units in one treatment). Low doses ensure that they only work at the specific injection site. Systemic poisoning does not occur because the toxic dose is around 2500-3000 units.

Botulinum toxin is a substance produced in a laboratory from isolated bacterial strains, which blocks the nerve connections between the muscle and the nerve plate, which causes the muscles to relax and wrinkles to be significantly reduced. In aesthetic medicine, the properties of botulinum toxin have been used not only to eliminate mimic wrinkles but also to treat hyperhidrosis. The treatment should be repeated approximately every 4-6 months, then it will be the most effective. This is due to the fact that the local administration of botulinum causes the nerve fibers to create new connections and the therapeutic effect of the preparation decreases and finally disappears.

Botox preparations commonly used in medicine are produced in laboratories. First, bacterial strains are isolated, further purified, and finally vacuum-packed.

source http://medestetika.com.pl